Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM Finish and Quilt Link Party

Can you believe that 
our Sun, Sand, and Sea 
BOM is coming to an end?

Here is what all of those 
blocks look like when 
they are all sewn together.

This was finished creating
54 flying geese blocks that are
2 1/2" x 4 1/2" with 2 1/2" blocks
on the corners.
Then, I added a 4 1/2" border to
frame up the whole quilt.

The quilt was completed

I loved seeing all the
blocks come together

and I can't wait for it to be 
all quilted up.
You can find all the patterns
to this quilt HERE.

If you missed the announcement,
we have an exciting news!
We will be hosting
our third Block of the Month.
We sure hope that you
will be joining us.

You can find the whole schedule for
the 2018 BOM HERE!
There is no sign ups.
Every month the link to
the blocks will be
released and the link
will be here and also on
our Facebook Group HERE.

Here is our final link
party to show off all those
adorable Sun, Sand, and Sea

December's Link Party Winner
Sheila Tweedie!
Here is her December block.

She will be receiving
a prize from
Timeless Treasures.

By linking up your Sun, Sand, and Sea Quilt,
you have a chance at winning a prize
from our sponsor 

Go and check out
all their great fabrics that
are available

Thanks to all of you
who joined us in stitching up
Sun, Sand, and Sea
Block of the Month.

Please add your quilt that you have created from the Sun, Sand, and Sea Block of the Month.  
One entry per person.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Under the Big Top Circus Pillow

I was lucky enough
this fall to work with 
a beautiful collection 
of fabric by Blend.

It is Calliope  by 
designer Maude Ashbury.
It is cute and whimsical.

After some deliberation, 
I decided to make a pillow 
that embraced the circus theme.

You can see some tricks to how I created the 
flaps to the circus tent and
other details over at Thermoweb.

I used Aurifil 12wt. thread 
to quilt the outside edge and to 
hand-stitch the banner string down.

I just love how it 
turned out.

The full pattern for the pillow 
can be found on my Craftsy
pattern page.

This would be the perfect
pillow for the nursery for all those spring or
summer babies that will
soon be arriving.
You will have to not sew on buttons,
if it is to be in a child's room. 

While you are downloading the 
Free pattern, go 
and check out the awesome sale that 
Craftsy is having.

I picked up this quilt kit that 
I have had my eye on for some time.

I can't wait to get this 
and finish it for my son for next Christmas.
It is just too cute.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Penguin and Reindeer Snow Globe

So I snuck in one more
project before Christmas time
(Well, actually two)
and I absolutely love them.

Two sweet characters to grace my couch
for Christmas and maybe the
whole winter.

They are so much fun to play with.
I keep catching the kids
tipping them over and 
watching the snow falling
around the penguin or 
the reindeer.

They are so much fun, 
but really hard to take 
a great picture of because of the light always 
reflecting off the vinyl or the glitter.

If you are looking for a fun
and different pattern, 
you can find them as a set on my

I am discounting all 
of my Winter/Christmas Patterns Half Off
until December 26th
including this newest pattern. 

Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Poinsettia Wreath

Christmas will be here in 
just 4 short days,
are you all prepared?

During all the hustle and bustle
of the holidays,
I completely forgot to
show off this
 wreath that I created for
It is a super
easy no sew wreath, 
that I just love.

It was created using the
Poinsettia die from

Fun and NO SEW!!

You can find the complete
tutorial here on

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December's Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM Link Party

How exciting that this 
is the last link party 
for our blocks for
the Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM.
I hope you all had so 
much fun in the Sun!!

I know that I did for sure.
We will have a link
party so that you can
all show off your beautiful
quilts made from the BOM blocks.

This is the December block 
of the Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM,
Hammock Time. 
You can pick up the 
pattern for free HERE
for the remainder of December.

Here are the other blocks that 
complete our layout.

November's Block

You can find the pattern HERE.

October's Block

You can find the pattern HERE.
September's Block

You can find the pattern -  HERE.

August's Block

You can find the pattern -  HERE.

July's Border Block

You can find it Here.

June's Block

You can find the pattern HERE.

May's Block

You can find the pattern HERE.

April's Block

You can find April's HERE.

March's Block

You can find March's HERE.

February's Block

And our first block can be found  HERE.

If you are on Facebook, we would
love to have you join our group
you can find it HERE.  

By joining December's party, you have a chance
at winning a prize
from our sponsor 

Go and check out
all their great fabrics that
are available

All of the block from 
the Sun, Sand, and Sun BOM 
have been completed using a variety
of different batik fabrics from 
Timeless Treasures. 

Thanks to all of you
who joined us in stitching up 
last months block.

If you missed our BOM announcement
for 2018, we are excited to bring you

We hope that you plan to join us.
The whole schedule is 

Please add your blocks that you have created from the Sun, Sand, and Sea Block of the Month.  Previous blocks that have been entered before can't be entered again.  One entry per person.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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Friday, December 15, 2017

Vintage Ornament Quilt and a Winner!

In between being completely
busy with decorating
for Christmas, 
and all the fun preparations
for it, 
I managed to finish
off this quilt.

It was part of the Vintage Ornament
quilt block series at Thermoweb.
The quilt was created using
Windham Fabrics O' Christmas Tree line.
The colors are vibrant and fun.
I really love the gold stripe.
You can find the complete collection 

All the blocks are free
of charge.  

The block I designed for the hop is
a vintage style 
Joy Ornament. 

You can find the pattern for it
Using the quilt above as 
a reference... 

The top left pattern can be found at 
Just Let Me Quilt's Craftsy 
shop which you can find Here.

The bottom left pattern can be found at
shop which you can find Here.

The top right pattern which was
created by Jedi Craft Girl can 
be found on Thermoweb's blog Here.

For the directions on how 
I completed this quilt, 

You can stop into 
Thermoweb to check it out
and how the other designers 
finished off their blocks
as well.

What holiday projects are on your
list to finish up?

Congratulation to Val of 
Val's Quilting Studio.
She is the winner of the
Virtual Cookie hop.
She will be receiving 
The Nutty Christmas Pattern
and Reindeer Games.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

2018 Block of the Month - It's A "Wild" Life

The time has come to 
announce the theme for the
2018 Block of the Month.

Here are the list of designers, 
who will be participating in 
this years hop.


 Maple Leaves.
The pattern can be found HERE.


Deer Meadow
The pattern can be found HERE.


The Big Tree and 
Little Tree Stand Tall
The pattern can be found HERE.


Bear Paw

The pattern can be found HERE.


Owl Tree

The pattern can be found HERE.


The Pattern can be found HERE


Home at the Cabin
The Pattern can be found HERE.


He's So Foxy!!
The pattern can be found HERE.

I "Moose" Go Camping
You can find the pattern HERE.


 "Wishful Love"
You can find the pattern HERE.  


A Midnight Picnic can be found 


All the blocks are free
for the month that they 
have been released.
After that, there
will be a small fee.

I do hope that you plan on 
quilting along with us.
There will be a monthly
prize drawing for those
who finish the blocks with us.

We would love it if you 
are on Facebook, to join us.
You can find it, HERE.

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