Thursday, October 3, 2019

Once Upon A Storytime Row Along

It is that time of the year again.
This is my fifth year in joining in with Marian of
This years them is Once Upon a Story Row Along
of fairy tales, poems, and songs.
The one I chose to do was "Hey Diddle Diddle."
I had several favorites as a child, 
but I thought this one was just silly and fun. 

This block is unfinished at 10 1/2" x 30 1/2"

The solid fabrics that I used were all 
I have kept the fabrics from prior years
to use in the row as well.
I then mixed them with some cute small 
print gingham that I had in my stash.

Hey Diddle Diddle

The Cat and the Fiddle

The Cow Jumped over the Moon

The Little Dog Laughed to See Such a Sport

and the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon.

IF you would like to make
your own Hey Diddle Diddle Row,
You can purchase the row pattern
right, HERE!!
For a Limited Time!!

Check out all the other row along participants:

Tuesday, October 08, 2019
Show and Tell Day
There's a giveaway, too!
A Handy Light to use with your sewing 
machine. (Sewing Machine Not included)
A $30 Value

Pin It Now!


  1. I think Hey Diddle Diddle is my favorite nursery rhyme. I love how each of the characters turned out on your row.

  2. So very cute love the dish and the spoon

  3. Your Hey Diddle Diddle row is gorgeous. Thank you very much for sharing with us, Amy.

  4. Your row is fantastic! I love all your cute characters.

  5. Hey Diddle Diddle is one of the first nursery rhymes I ever learned. Your row is so cute!

  6. Your Hey Diddle Diddle row is a lot of fun. Thank you.

  7. I love your Hey Diddle Diddle row. In fact, it is my favorite one. Great job with positioning and fabric usage!! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. I love this nursery rhyme. I just long armed a baby quilt someone made with a panel and thought about this rhyme while I was doing it.

  9. Thanks so much for the time and effort spent on creating your Hey Diddle Diddle row! It is so cute!!! I've always loved that song and sang it to my grandson when he was a baby!! (Now he's 3!!) Thanks, too, for choosing to be a part of the row-along this year! Your hard work is appreciated!!! :-)

  10. Love your Hey Diddle Diddle row. Thank you

  11. Thank you for the block. Hey diddle Diddle is a true classic.

  12. Hey Diddle Diddle always made my kids laugh!

  13. Very cute! Love the dish and the spoon!!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. The gingham prints really add to the playfulness of your Hey Diddle Diddle row. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  15. Oh my gosh knocked it out of the ballpark with this one! What a fun row!

  16. Rhyme is Hey Diddle Diddle. Love the blocks. Thank you

  17. Thanks for the Hey Diddle Diddle Row. The gingham is just the right touch.

  18. Really like your row, especially that cute cat. Gingham was a great idea!

  19. Very cute row, I always loved Hey Diddle Diddle as a child.

  20. Hey Diddle Diddle! One of my favorites! Your rendition is adorable and would look cute as focus in baby's room.

  21. Hey Diddle Diddle, many thanks for a wonderful row. Many thanks for your inspiration, creativity & sharing it with us.

  22. What a wonderful choice, and your decision to use the gingham fabrics give it just the right finish. So cute - thank you.

  23. Hey Diddle Diddle has always been one of my favorite nursery rhymes. Thanks for sharing your pattern!

  24. Such a sweet Hey Diddle Diddle block! Thank you for sharing, Susan

  25. I love your Hey Diddle Diddle. Very cute.

  26. Thank you so much for the Hey Diddle Diddle block - love that rhyme because it made absolutely no sense at all, just pure fun!!

  27. Hey Diddle Diddle is the rhyme. Always loved that one!

  28. Hey Diddle Diddle was always a favorite nursery rhyme partly because it had a cat and fiddle (like me).

  29. As a musician, this is a favorite of mine! Very fun!

  30. Can't believe how great this row along has been...thank you so much for hey diddle the cat and the fiddle!

  31. Love your row of Hey Diddle Diddle. Nancy A:

  32. Hey Diddle Diddle is such a cute row! I love it!

  33. I love that cat and the fiddle best. No, wait. I love the cow jumping over the moon best. I love them all...great row!

  34. This is adorable. I love the layout. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Such a cute Hey Diddle Diddle row! Love it!

  36. Thanks Amy, darling row and one of my favorite rhymes.

  37. How Diddle Diddle did you manage to get so much cuteness is one row! Love your work and appreciate you sharing your time and talent.

  38. Another GREAT theme, Hey Diddle Diddle! This hop/qal has been so much fun to follow. Thank you for sharing your talent.
