Friday, June 14, 2019

Stars, Stripes, and Dots Quilt - Fat Quarter Shop

 Did you know that today is Flag Day?
So that makes it the perfect day to show off the quilt 
I have been working on for the Fat Quarter Shop.

This pattern is called  Stars, Stripes and Dots.
Mine is more like
Stars, Horseshoes, and Plaid.

 For the red stripes, I used Boots and Spurs Red Horseshoe
and for the blue, Farm Girl Vintage Denim Gingham

The Fat Quarter Shop's gorgeous 
version is this. 

You can find the kit available for 
purchase over HERE

It comes with everything you need to make the quilt 
top including the Triangles on a Roll.
This was the first time that I made so 
many 2 1/2" triangles. 
I absolutely love that each HST turned out just perfect.

Do you know if you don't want to purchase the
quilt kit, they are offering the pattern for 
free!!  Yep, Free!
Go stop in at their blog.

Have you every made a Patriotic quilt?

I am looking forward to having this beauty all quilted up.
However, my children have put their bids on this 
one, but I think I will have to keep it for 

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

June's A Time for All Seasons Blocks

 Here we are with June's blocks!!
I just love that in our neck of the
woods it will be getting warmer.
That means, if you are
lucky, you get to play at the lake.

Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
designed this adorable block
that is a mix of piecing and applique.

I am just using all of my fun
Riley Blake scraps and stash
to create each of them.

Her bonus block for June
is this cutie.

I just love this pattern.  It is just too

The applique block for June is this
fun one.  Great for all those Dads out there.

You can find all of June's Block
patterns HERE

May's blocks
From Joan of MooseStash Quilting
Can be found HERE.

April's blocks
From Carla of Creatin' in the Sticks
Can be found HERE.

March's blocks
From Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
Can be found HERE.

February's blocks
Can be found HERE.

If applique is not your most favorite because
of the all the tracing.
 I have found that 
If you haven't used them yet, 
they will completely spoil you.
Quilt Specifications
I am choosing to do all of my
blocks from all the fabrics in my 
I do have plenty!
like most quilter generally do.
If you are choosing not to use your stash, 
or to check how much background fabric you 
will need.  You will need about 4 yards of 
background fabric.
All the blocks are free for the month that
they have been released.
After that, they will
be available for a small fee.
Each block will be found
on each designers individual Etsy page
or by other means.

We will be have 24 scheduled blocks
with a few bonus blocks included in 
this hop.
There's a Facebook page to share your finished blocks HERE.

Make sure to add your block to the link party.
This month, you can link up your blocks from 
May and June.

This month's prize is a Gift Certificate 

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