Friday, January 25, 2019

Bonnie's Blossoms with Island Batik Getaway Hop

Welcome to the Getaway Blog Hop!

The 2018 Island Batik Ambassadors

 have been busy 
sewing with some beautiful 
secret fabrics. 
with some secret sewing.
Today is that day that I am able to show what I have 
been sewing.

Brookview is a beautiful fabric collection by Island Batik.
It has such a gorgeous variety of burgundys, greens, blues and yellows.  

There is a hint of peacock feathers and trees
throughout the prints.
It has to be one of my favorite collections.

Most of the fabric collection is found in this 
new quilt that I created called Bonnie's Blossoms. 

The quilt is 60" square with a lot of large 
applique and surrounded by pieced blocks.

This is the biggest applique design that I have attempted 
to make.  I just love how well 
these fabrics complimented the design.
Check to see if your local quilt shop carries these beautiful 
batiks, and if they don't maybe just request 
that they would carry them.

I did use handy EZ Print HeatnBond Lite Sheets for the 
corner blossoms.  If you do not like tracing out 
the design on to the rolled fusible, I totally recommend 

 The center flower needed to have the rolled fusible 
due to its size. 

For this quilt, I also used 
Aurifil Thread #2370.
I usually try to match my thread to 
the fabric I am appliquéing, but  Joan
using one thread for the entire quilt.
She inspired me to try it for myself.

I absolutely love the look with this pattern and fabric.

I sure hope that you enjoyed your
stop here on the 

is also showing what she created using these 
beauties so stop on in. 

Be sure and stop in to visit all the other hoppers.
The full list is linked below. 

The Island Batik Getaway Blog Hop has been circling the globe since
 the beginning of January and continues through February 1st.  
You can view the other fantastic new Island Batik 
fabric collections at the other stops in the hop here.


I am giving away a scrap pack of Island Batik fabrics 
and an Aurifil thread to one lucky reader!  
US entries only due to postage costs.  
Enter via the Rafflecopter below.

Be sure to stop in and enter 
the Island Batik Giveaway as well.
You can find it HERE.

This is my final post as a 
2018 Island Batik Ambassador.
It has been an absolute pleasure being able to
quilt with such fine fabrics.
I can't decide which is my favorite project
of the past year. 

I will soon be adding this quilt pattern 
to my new Etsy shop.


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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Announcing the 2019 Block of the Month

How is it that this is our 
4th Annual Block of the Month?
With it being the first part of the
2019, it is time to announce 
our theme and it is...….

Here is the list of designers and the months that 
they will be designing for.













We are all set to start on the 
1st of February and are looking 
forward to a new and exciting theme.

This year we also decided to 
have a mix of pieced and applique blocks.
So, a little bit of something
for everyone.
We will have a total of 24 blocks.

All the blocks will also be 
10 1/2" square unfinished size.

All the pattern are free
for the month that they 
have been released.
After that, there
will be a small fee.
I do hope that you plan on 
quilting along with us.

We would love it if you 
are on Facebook, to join us.
You can find it, HERE.

We do hope that you plan on joining
us for another exciting year!!

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