Friday, May 10, 2013

A Little Amigurumi

My kids love little crochet animals.  I had picked up this book a couple months ago because of all the adorable patterns they had. 

Martingale (the publisher of this  amigurumi crochet book, and also quilting books) is having a Amigurumi Crochet-a-long, so since my crochet hooks were out and handy, I thought that I would work a couple up.  That and my kids were asking me when I was ever going to make anything out of the book, so here are the ones I had time to do.  I used Lily Sugar and Cream thread on all of the little creation. They would make great yarn stash projects. I used up two more little skeins of yarn. 

A little tea cup.  It is suppose to be hot cocoa, but I left the marshmallow off the top.  I also made a little saucer to go with it.  I plan to make myself one to use as a pincushion.

Next, a super scary snake.  Look out!  Of course, in camo thread.

Lastly a little sea life, which is probably my favorite. Our cat loves to attack it too.  She drug it off the couch to play with it.  I would have loved to have got a picture with her and it, but she always seems to know when I get the camera out and runs away.  I guess she is a bit camera shy.  Maybe, I can catch her attacking it again. 

If you have this great book, I hope that you will join the crochet along.  It is running until May 24th.

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  1. I'd love to do these, but my crocheting's not quite up to it yet, can't get the hang of decreasing. Yous are wonderful.

  2. Eeek! I love them but I don't crochet well enough! Yours are awesome!

  3. That's funny....Amigurumi was quite a fad a few years ago...probably around the same time as beanie babies???? Anyway...I will have to dig out the patterns I have for the little critters. I thought they were a lot of fun even to stick in adult stockings at Christmas!

    I like the little sea life the best too.
