Tuesday, December 31, 2019

January's A Time For All Seasons Blocks

Here we are at the very last month of 
our A Time for All Seasons BOM!!
I hope that you have all enjoyed 
the beautiful blocks.

These last two were designed by me.

The first 
My Snowy Friend

Of course, it was completed using applique.
You can find the pattern for it HERE.

The second is 
Winter Trees.

Which you can find the pattern HERE.

If you have missed any of the blocks, 
Here is a recap.

December' s blocks
From Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
Can be found HERE.

November's Blocks
From Joan of Moosestashing Quilting 
Can be Found HERE.

October's Blocks
From Carla of Creatin In the Sticks
Can be found HERE. 

September's Blocks
From Joan of Moosestashing Quilting 
Can be Found HERE.

August's Blocks
From Amy of Sew Incredibly Crazy
Can be found HERE. 

July's Blocks
From Carla of Creatin In the Sticks
Can be found HERE. 

June' s blocks
From Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
Can be found HERE.

May's blocks
From Joan of MooseStash Quilting
Can be found HERE.

April's blocks
From Carla of Creatin' in the Sticks
Can be found HERE.

March's blocks
From Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
Can be found HERE.

February's blocks
Can be found HERE.

If applique is not your most favorite because
of the all the tracing.
 I have found that 
If you haven't used them yet, 
they will completely spoil you.
Quilt Specifications
I am choosing to do all of my
blocks from all the fabrics in my 
I do have plenty!
like most quilter generally do.
If you are choosing not to use your stash, 
or to check how much background fabric you 
will need.  You will need about 4 yards of 
background fabric.
All the blocks are free for the month that
they have been released.
After that, they will
be available for a small fee.
Each block will be found
on each designers individual Etsy page
or by other means.

We will be have 24 scheduled blocks
with a few bonus blocks included in 
this hop.
There's a Facebook page to share your finished blocks HERE.

There is no prize this month but we would all love to
see those finished blocks!!

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Friday, December 6, 2019

Farm Girl Vintage 2 Sew Along with the Fat Quarter Shop

Have you heard the news that the Fat Quarter 

When I first started quilting, I came across
a blogger by the name of Lori Holt.
Her blog is called Bee in My Bonnet.
She was having a Barn Block Sew Along.
I absolutely loved the blocks, but
had nowhere near the confidence to 
even attempt to do any of the blocks.
Well, fast forward a few years, and she 
has several books out.  One of 
which is Farm Girl Vintage 2

If you are new to quilting or you have
been doing it for years, I would totally recommend 
this book.  It has excellent instructions and
pictures to help you through each step.

I have enjoyed each and every block 
and can't wait to complete the whole quilt.

If you would like to join along, 
you can find all of the details 
about the Quilt Along HERE.

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