Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Final In Our Garden Blocks and Link Party

Is it really the end to our little
Block of the Month.

I am sad that this one is coming
to an end, but happy
to announce the newest one,
starting Feb. 1st.

It is going to be a boat load of fun.
I hope that you plan on
join us.
Please join us on our Facebook group.

Now onto the last blocks,
I guess I have a thing for
either reptiles or amphibians,
because my first block was
Mr. Toady.

which if you missed any of the block you can find
them here

Now there is Mrs. Turtle with
a Heavy Load.

You can find the pattern for
Heavy Load Here.

And of course every garden
needs a place for you to rest
your head in the evening from a long
day in the hot sun.

So here is
My Garden Cabin

you can find the pattern for it Here.

Both blocks were created using Riley Blake fabrics. 

I am working hard to put all
of the quilt together, until then
here is one last giveaway before
a gift certificate to the

Just leave a comment below on
what pattern you would
like to see in our next hop.
Winner will be drawn on January 11th.
Please make sure that you are
not a no reply blogger.

Due to the holiday season, I am combining the link party
for December and January into one.
There will be two prizes,
this is one.

and the other is to be a surprise.  :)

Happy New Year!!

Please add your blocks that you have created from the In Our Garden Blocks.  Previous blocks that have been enter before can't be entered again.  One entry per person.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

I can hardly believe that it is
that time of the year again.

It is time for the

Isn't the saying it is better to give than
to receive, so this is my
gift to one lucky person.

a bundle of fabrics by Michael Miller,
a thread set of Aurifil thread (they would make me Gleeful)
 and a pdf my newest pattern.

Reindeer Games.

Which you can also find, here.

I would love for you to hang out
and check out all the creations
and patterns that I share,
but I am sure there
are a bunch more giveaways to be entered.
So, I welcome you back any time.

Here is how you enter

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

December In Our Garden Blocks

Are you ready for December's
In Our Garden blocks?

How can it possibly be
December already.

has created these adorable
blocks to continue  
our garden.
Block # 21
Winter Star

Block #22
Sun Bonnet Sue and Friends

The two together

Jan made her beautiful blocks from
  fabrics from Henry Glass

The patterns for Blocks 21 & 22 are available for free
until the end of the month of December.
Go and check out her blog to see how to pick them up. 

She is also having a giveaway so
stop by her blog and enter.

Plus she is having a bonus giveaway,
so you won't want to miss it.

Have you seen the other blocks?
If not, you can find the them Here.

Don't forget if you finish your blocks,
you can enter for a chance to win these
Sponsored by

I beautiful set of fabrics designed by
 Kim Diehl.

How is your garden coming along?

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

My First Christmas Stocking

I have been meaning to make stocking for the
my family for the last couple years.
I was unable to find the
perfect stocking pattern.
I wanted them to be traditional looking
with a sweet cuff,
so I merged several ideas
into one stocking.

This is my first one that I have finished.
The fabric is Evergreen with a touch of 25th and Pine
by Basic Grey for Moda. 
The cuff and lining is  Kona Khaki.
I used 5 strips of Evergreen
from a jelly roll to make one stocking.

I used Aurifil 50 wt. thread to quilt the stocking body
and Aurifil 12 wt. in red to add decorative
straight stitching around the cuff.
For the batting, I used
Thermoweb's Stitch N Sew Fleece.
It has just the right amount of loft for the stocking.

I am personalizing all of our stockings
So no wondering on Christmas day,
whose stocking it belong to.

I also made coordinating buttons,
I just love the finished look
of it and can't wait to
finish more of them.

I love the old time feel to this stocking.

If you haven't already grabbed your
Reindeer Games pattern,
you have a couple more days that it is free. 
You can find it here.

If you decide to make your own stocking
be sure to link it up to
 Nancy Zieman's  Christmas Stocking Sewing Challenge!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Gift to you: Reindeer Games

As promised,
I finished a little gift for all of you.
It will be free through the
end of November.

It is a super fast quilt to work up,
mine just took a bit longer because
I decided to hand quilt it with
12 wt. Aurifil in red. 
Love how it pops against the white. 

Enjoy all the holidays
that are on the way!


You can pick up
Reindeer Games, here.


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Monday, November 14, 2016

Guest on American Patchwork and Qulting

I was completely shocked when I
received an email from Pat Sloan.
Yes, thee Pat Sloan to
be a guest on American Patchwork
and Quilting.
What a complete honor.

I have been so excited and
I can
hardly contain myself.

(You can read more about my quilt in the picture above, here)

For my followers and all the
people that inspire me,
I wouldn't have kept on sharing if
it wasn't for all of you.

I would love for you to join me
this afternoon.  4 p.m. eastern
time right here at

I also have been working
on a special pattern to be released
in the next few days,
just for the occasion.

I tried to finish it before the show,
but I wanted it to be perfect.
So you will have,
to wait for Reindeer Games.
It will be free for until the end of November,
just for this special event.
So stayed tuned for it.

If you are new to my blog,
please check out the
Here are a couple of the blocks

We will also be starting a new
one come the beginning of the year.

to all of you!

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

November In Our Garden Link Party

I know that I have been looking forward 
to seeing what beauties that you have all
created from the blocks that,
Lana of It Seams to be Sew designed.

Here are her blocks.

You can find the pattern for them here and here.

I do have a problem of changing the
design of some of the blocks.
My block is like the rabbit or rabbits that
take up residence
in our garden every year.
Let's just say, I
dread their visit every year.

Here are my versions of all the
blocks created so far.

You can find October's Blocks Here and Here.

You can find September's blocks here.

You can find August's blocks here.

You can find  July's blocks right Here.

 You can find June's blocks Here and Here.

You can find May's blocks  HERE and  HERE.

If you missed April's blocks,
you can find them HERE.

If you have missed March blocks,
You can find them HERE.

If you have missed February blocks,
You can find them HERE.

I also created a bonus block for ThermOWeb
You can find it HERE.

By linking up your blocks 
you have a chance to win 
a Beautiful Bundle of Fat Quarters.

Like this beautiful bundles of fabric,
Garden Girl (How appropriate)
by Riley Blake.

Which is our prize from this  
month's sponsor

Sponsored by It Seams to be Sew.
One link per person.

If you do not have a blog,
we have Facebook Group
and a Flickr Group 
that you can load your photos in
and then link up.  If you need help, please feel free to 
contact me.
A winner will be drawn on the 10th of December.
Our last months winner was Judy Valentino.
Congrats to her!!

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