
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Works in Progress 4-17

I have been trying to get a little sewing done around here and the weather has totally wanted to cooperate with me.  Thank goodness!  It snowed a little less than a foot yesterday and we are expecting more.  While, this is a little abnormal at this time, we really need the moisture and I get to sew, so no complaints. 

I finished my Beaquilter quilt-a-long quilt top.  I took the quilt top outside in the snow for a pic or two.  The wind was blowing a bit so it just didn't want to lay flat.  I used a whole bunch of stash material.  I am proud to stay that the only new was that pink.  It is Moda Sweetwater - it matched the others from my stash  perfectly.

I finished piecing the back, so now is the big question on how to quilt it?  I am really enjoying doing some FMQ, so if you have any ideas.....I would love them.
I joined the Beaquilter EQ7 Applique hop and decided to work up my design.
Here is a little peek.  I have to quilt it, but that will come later.

Any ideas what it is?  I am a little nervous to show it.  This will be my first EQ7 block that I have actually shown anyone besides family.  I hope you will like it.  I will be showing off two different designs and how I created them.   I am super new at EQ, but I love to play with it.  There will also be a giveaway here sponsored by EQ.  I am sure if you EQ, you will love the giveaway on Monday.
I also finished my Honeycomb pillow this week.  A lot accomplished and it is about time!!

The lovely places I link to......


  1. are one busy lady. Your Beaquilter quilt turned out great. I have tried to quilt on my pillow today. My daughter seems to call every time I go into sew....giggle.....3 calls today. I told her to go to bed. :)

  2. I love the colours in the beaquilter quilt it is beautiful. Your EQ7 design looks very interesting and I can't wait to see the finished item.

  3. Your quilt top is beautiful. Fun design, yummy fabrics. And, I'm sure your EQ block design will be great! I'm looking forward to seeing it.


  4. Love the fabrics you chose and that you had that cool stuff in your STASH to make the most of the beautiful quilt top... it has so much personality... quilt it in a way to maintain the personality it has... esp that center square :) Just my meager 2 cents! Thanks for sharing what you are up to! Kathi

  5. I love the colors in that Applique Hop. I like it already, don't be afraid to share!
    The first quilt you shared is so refreshing, like Spring has sprung!

  6. Lovely quilt top! I always love using up a good amount of stash fabrics on a quilt.

  7. Hey! Your quiltalong flimsy sure is nice! Thanks for sharing it at BOMs Away. Major kudos for using so much stash. You're right - the pink is perfect with those. And, yes - don't be afraid to share your design. :D

  8. It is a wonderful quilt. Thank you also for sharing at BOMS Away.

  9. for some reason I'm only seeing these now, looks awesome!

  10. Amy, I'm way behind checking back for other's finished tops. I love these beautiful soft pastels. Your's came together so well!! Congratulations!
