
Monday, August 13, 2012

Warning : Granny Quilt Overload

Please excuse the picture overload.  I am just really in love with these blocks.  It is a very old block design block with some modern fabric.  If I would have had enough material, I would have made this big enough to fit my bed.


I used Moda Circa 1934 jelly roll to make all the granny blocks.  Too easy!  Just cut them up into  2.5" squares.

 I decided to sash the blocks in the solid ecru and then add a little leftover fabric square in the corner.

And then to make it the perfect snuggling size, I added a 2.5" border of green polka dots and 6.5" border of black coordinating fabric.   It is almost 6 feet square.

I am working on the back and a couple none quilting projects.  I hope to finish this one up before the end of the month.  We will have to see.

Glad you dropped by!


  1. It looks great, Amy! What a perfect snuggle quilt!

  2. I love this Amy, so crisp and clean looking - it's fab :)

  3. I made one myself and kept going till the jelly roll was gone and I made nearly 60 squares. I love how you can take a traditional pattern and make it new with mod fabrics. I am so into mod that I can't get enough fabric for it!

  4. No wonder you took lots of pics. It is a beautiful quilt, I love the blocks as well.

  5. I can understand why you showed so many photos.....this is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Great parade of Grannies, it is a fun block to make.

  7. Warning super cute quilt coming at ya! lol

    I love the borders on there!

  8. Turned out great. I love the fabrics you used. If I ever get mine finished it will be queen-sized with 42 blocks.

  9. I really love these blocks, it really is beautiful. I need to get this pattern. Looking good lady!

  10. So beautiful - love the fabrics and the cornerstones!

  11. I love these - they're gorgeous. I would love to learn to make quilts some day.


  12. LOVE this pattern in those fabrics! I just started my own granny square blocks out of Joy for Christmas. Seeing your top completed makes me want to go home and finish my blocks. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Love your granny squares. I just started cutting some for my first blocks last night. I am using my 30's stash for my blocks.

  14. My mother would love this! She is a quilt fanatic. I will send her this post.
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