
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tammy for all Seasons

Welcome to my day of the

I love the sweet designs of 
who designed the beautiful cross-stitch patterns 


who designed the adorable Pinny patterns. 

I had picked up cross-stitch again
this year by making a few ornaments
and then a cross-stitch sampler,
BUT I have Never, Ever done
needle - turn applique.

So, I have been follow Cori
for awhile and I decided to do a little
practice before hand with
Some grapes, a strawberry,

 and an Orange Marmalade jar. 
I still have a lot more lessons,
I'll just keep stitching.

After my practice, I decided
I was ready for the real challenge.
That itty, bitty, cute bird.
Not, so bad.
It took a lot of persuasion,
but I really like how she turned out.
(The lessons must have paid off, Thanks Cori)
Now for my Tammy,
Oh and of Course, IN SUMMER,
(Yes, I am channeling my inner Olaf)

 Ohh, what fun to be at the beach,
or to at least to be warm.

My Tammy and Tweet Bird Pinny
found their home upon
my sewing room shelf with some other
things I LOVE.
(Slowly my sewing space is coming together)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pattern vs. Product

So, I have a bit of a dilemma.
I have been working on a few bags.
They are completely my pattern
from the top to the bottom. 
Over the course of the
last month, I have made about
30 of them. Yes, 30. Each one of the close
relatives received one.
 I have tweaked the pattern, making it a
bit better until  it is just right.
I came up with this
"Sew Cute"
"Chic Bumblebee"

"Vintage garden"

It has no exposed seams and
is perfect for holding just about anything.
So here is my dilemma,
What are you all more interested in? 

A finished product or a pattern?
I had an idea of having
a bag hop, would that interest
Each of these is for sale,
 The cost is $45, plus shipping.
Just email me if you are interested.

Also, now on Facebook right here

Monday, January 12, 2015

Holy Scraps, Batman!!

So much for keep all my scraps contained in their
I do believe the bin (from IKEA) has overflowed. 
And some landed on the floor, EEK!
This is the second time in three years the
bin has become a little "CraZy".
The first I dumped it all in a bag
and gave away to a charity.
This time, I will probably do the same,
but I thought I would be a bit nicer. 
And that is where my Accuquilt
came in handy.

<a href="">GO! Fabric Cutter</a>

While I was sewing, my sweet daughter,
spent time ironing the scraps and running
them through my cutter.
She used the 2 1/2" and the 4"
for all fabric pieces.

After a bit of ironing and cutting,
she ended with a hefty pile of fabric in
a spectrum of colors. 
The 2 1/2" would work great on
your 1" English Paper pieced Hexagons.
I might have to save a few and work on
a quilt, composed of all
the other quilts from the past.
Sew, do you save your scraps, trash them,
or give them away?
 I also decided to open a Facebook page.
You can check it out here.